“Enrichment beyond the classroom”
CALL US: 07887400166
The activities listed below are for children and young people registered with T.I.E. We reserve the right to ask for evidence of disability, for example being registered with T.I.E. Your child must have one of the following;
A diagnosis or be awaiting one.
A referral from a doctor or specialist.
Be a student a recognised special school.
Our family events are especially for your child to enjoy a day out with their family. It has been brought to our attention however, that some families have been bringing other children along who are not part of their family. Please do not run the risk of being excluded from future events by ensuring that you do not break this rule.
If your child with the disability is ill on the day of the family event, then the booking must be cancelled. You cannot attend that activity without the child.
The Short Breaks Team are not responsible for the behaviour of parent(s)/children(s) attending the events put on by providers/Short Breaks Team.